Friday, September 11, 2009

Weddings Weddings Weddings

A lot of my friends and family are getting married this summer/fall. I've been helping some of them out with invitations and glasses...ext. It's times like these when my creative ability comes in handy! Anyhow, below are a few of the invitation ideas I made for my friend Emily's wedding. The one to the right was the chosen one. Phone numbers and addressed have been changed for protection. If anyone wants invitations for anything done, let me know and I'll give you a quote.
This one was a idea #1

Idea number 2

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Illustration Friday- Strong

It's almost late again. But like always, just on time. I really didn't spend a whole lot of time on this week's drawing. This is something I quickly drew during my break this morning. Dancers are incredibly strong. I wish I had their stamina.